Lista di iniziative per il 31 Marzo.

Il sito M31 dedicato alla giornata europea di azione anticapitalista del 31 Marzo ha pubblicato una lista, anche se non del tutto completa ed eventualmente soggetta a variazioni, di iniziative previste in diversi Paesi e città europee:

“M31 – What’s going on?!

last updated: March 27, 2012

On March 31st, there will be M31 demonstrations and interventions in many European cities. This list will be updated daily. For a complete list of M31 groups, check here. M31 groups will build a political platform beyond March 31st. Stay tuned.



There’s a prep meeting on March 29th. For M31, a network of initiatives has arranged a four-hour manifestation, teach-in and cultural happening at the MuseumsQuartier, downtown Vienna (from 2 pm). At 6 pm, they’re turning this into a rave, right on the spot. Check here for updates.


M31 collective and MASA in Zagreb have set the date and motto for their demonstration: „Together against Capitalism“ – 2 pm at Park Zrinjevac. In the run-up, there will be a public discussion with activists, journalists, workers and students from Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia. Allegedly “tons” of posters, flyers and banners are being produced and distributed right now. Check the video manifesto.


France, France, what about France!?! Still no definitive news, we’re working on it. In the meantime, all francophiles can enjoy our Call for Action in splendid french.  Allons camarades!


On M31, here will be a demonstration in Frankfurt, leading, among others, to the European Central Bank (ECB). Extensive info at


Every Wednesday, there’s an open meeting on M31 at the Printers’ Union in Athens. March 30th, there will be a public discussion on perspectives of a common struggle in Europe. The M31 demonstration will lead to the EU Offices in the Greek capital. Its motto: “We don’t want to reform capitalism, but get rid of it.“ Here’s the facebook-event.

Comrades of ESE and AK Thessaloniki have announced a second M31 demonstration in Greece, under the motto „Don’t Blame the Crisis, blame Capitalism“ (more or less…). The demo will start at 12 at Kamara and will lead to Rotunda, for a solidarity meeting with undocumented migrants. Sans Papiers are coming under increasing pressure, with police sweeps and a large scale detention center to be opened.



M31 interventions in Bologna and Modena (tba) [Nota mia: a Modena una manifestazione dovrebbe partire da Piazza Torre alle 16:00; anche a Bologna dovrebbe esserci una manifestazione, organizzata dall’ USI e dal circolo anarchico Berneri]


For March 31st, the Dutch network has prepared a demonstration and public assembly in Utrecht (2pm, Overvecht Station). In the run-up, there will be public discussions in Amsterdam, Tilburg and Groningen. Check our homepage for dates and locations.



The demonstration of ZSP in Warsaw on March 31st is not officially affiliated with M31. But our hearts are with you!

  • 31.03. | Warsaw | Plac Zamkowy | 1 pm | demonstration (8pm concert)


The social center Es.Col.A of Porto affiliates with M31 in their struggle against eviction. Here’s more. There will be a weekend of events and interventions March 30th-April 1st. Other initiatives tba.


On March 23rd, M31-member FAO will host an open assembly in Ljubljana. On March 31st, there will be protest actions around different Slovenian cities: “We decided to focus our activities on locally important issues of repression against syndicalist militants. More broadly, we will also promote self-organization and direct action in the struggle against capitalist crises.“

  • 31.03. | Ljubljana and other cities | protest actions


M31-member CNT has called for a national strike on March 29th, spicing up regional initiatives and a rather tame call for protests by mainstram unions. CNT is gaining a lot of support for their initiative. On M31, there will be meetings and demonstrations in Toledo, Aranjuez, Castro Urdiales and Badajoz. Grupo Libertario Acción Directa organized a day of debate in Madrid, „taking apart capitalism and the state”. In the Basque Country, anarchist EHKL has also announced a rally.


On March 31st, there will be a demonstration in Kiev leading to the Employers’ Association and to the Department of Education. M31-Member Autonomous Workers’ Union, Direct Action and anti-authoritarian communist Left Opposition will march together with student unions, antifascist groups and others. Here’s their clip.

  • 31.03. | Kiev | … | 12:00 | demonstration


For March 31st, Solidarity Federation and others are staging their own Day of Action against governmental workfare schemes, with direct actions in different cities. SolFed is responding to a call by the IWA. Some local initiatives have been endorsing M31. Check their site for background info. Here’s the site of the Boykott Workfare campaign. Authoritarian labor reform is an issue we’ll also have to deal with one way or another. Go kick some butt, comrades!


“In solidarity with the European call for anti-capitalist action on M31 (, Class War Camp [of Occupy Wall Street] is calling for a mass gathering of anti-capitalists of all stripes and kinds to discuss strategy, and network for the ongoing global revolution. Only if we know each other can we help one another!” Thanks comrades in the City!

2 thoughts on “Lista di iniziative per il 31 Marzo.

  1. Non si capisce perchè la rete di Occupy Piazza Affari non abbia aderito all’M31, nonostante l’USI sarà in piazza con uno spezzone suo… Misteri del movimnto italiano. Forse non volevano mischirsi con una cosa “troppo anarcoide”.

  2. Per quanto ne so l’iniziativa di Milano è nata in modo autonomo rispetto alla giornata europea di azione anticapitalista promossa dal coordinamento M31, sul perchè non vi sia stata una convergenza sospetto che tu abbia ragione e sinceramente non saprei dirti se questa mancata convergenza sia un bene o meno, anche se sarei tentato di optare per la prima ipotesi…

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