Moscow Death Brigade.

Tizi coi muscoli pompati e pose da gangster che trattano le donne come se fossero oggetti e invitano a “diventare ricchi o morire provandoci” infilando un insulto sessista o omofobo ogni cinque parole mentre la telecamera che riprende le loro mosse stereotipate per il prossimo video da trasmettere su MTV inquadra auto di lusso, party vanesi, catenoni d’oro e abbigliamento di marca: era questa l’idea che avevo della scena hip hop nella seconda metà degli anni ’90 fino a buona parte del primo decennio di questo nuovo millennio, finchè ho scoperto artisti e gruppi che con certi cliché non hanno nulla a che fare.

Un’altro mondo del quale fanno parte anche i Moscow Death Brigade, gruppo hardcore-hip hop che si è fatto un nome nella scena underground russa- e non solo. Composta da elementi provenienti dalla scena punk e hardcore, la band si distingue non solo per i testi politici che riflettono in modo critico sulla realtà sociale e la vita quotidiana in Russia, ma anche per l’attivismo dei suoi membri coinvolti in progetti quali Food Not Bombs, manifestazioni antifasciste e antirazziste, supporto ai compagni incarcerati ed alle famiglie delle vittime delle violenze neonaziste, iniziative contro la brutalità poliziesca e la repressione statale. I concerti dei Moscow Death Brigade in Russia e in altre ex repubbliche dell’URSS sono spesso accompagnati da minacce da parte dei neonazisti e dalla presenza di polizia antisommossa. Nell’anno appena iniziato la band sarà in tour insieme ai What We Feel:

<p>So, finally tour is fully booked!! Thank you all for gig offers, in 2 days we got about 30 mails, for 5 blank dates))) We are thinking to make second part of tour in september-oktober, for dates thats not fits this spring.</p>
<p>so, finally..<br />
1/05 Berlin (D) / Barrio 161 Kreuzberg open air<br />
2/05 Saalfeld (D) / Schlossberg<br />
3/05 Prague (CZ) / Pilot<br />
4/05 Manchester (UK) / 0161 festival<br />
4/05 Katowice (PL) / Marcholt<br />
5/05 Warsaw (PL) / Znosna Lekkosc Bytu<br />
6/05 Kosice (SK) / Collosseum<br />
7/05 Bratislava (SK) / TBA<br />
8/05 Nurnberg (D) / Desi<br />
9/05 Frankfurt (D) / AU<br />
10/05 Dusseldorf (D) / AK47<br />
11/05 Siegburg (D) / SJZ<br />
12/05 Aachen (D) / AZ<br />
13/05 Leuven (BE) / TBA<br />
14/05 Nancy (F) / TBA<br />
15/05 Jena (D) / JG-Stadtmitte<br />
16/05 Hamburg (D) / Skorbut<br />
17/05 Rostock (D) / Riot in my heart<br />
18/05 Berlin (D) / TBA</p>
<p>if you have any questions and booking request for second part of tour - please write to our booking email wwfhcbooking (@)

(Testo tradotto dal russo all’inglese da BlacKronstadt, che è anche l’autore dell’ottimo blog RABM):

  1. Heroes do exist in this world, they’re here near us
  2. But your sight passes by them, dimmed by propaganda.
  3. Behind the mess of decay, through the hell smoke of mass media
  4. They commit the feats, asking no reward
  6. The paradise of a glamour world, streams of lies from the TV screen –
  7. Consume it until your eyes would sore like rotten wounds
  8. Swallow it! – says the dealer – Because you must!
  9. Just another golden calf leads the herd
  10. Of TV idiots, narco-clowns from the nightclubs,
  11. Venal “patriots” and gibbering “truthsayers”
  12. Silicone lips, greasy face…
  13. Do you want your daughter to be like them? To sell out yourself?
  14. And there are another “heroes”:
  15. On a frontline with stars on their shoulder straps,
  16. Listening to the screeching siren, they’re shepherds of Babylon’s herd (a reference to widespread police brutality and injustice – B.K.)
  17. Set the sound on TV more louder to drown out the moans.
  18. These are the new icons, the examples to follow,
  19. To writhe in ecstatic adoration.
  20. They’ll teach you to be trendy, to keep up with fashion –
  21. Dealer, Antikiller (a movie reference: – B.K.), a 1000 tonns of cardboard monsters
  23. Heroes do exist in this world, they’re here near us
  24. But your sight passes by them, dimmed by propaganda.
  25. Behind the mess of decay, through the hell smoke of mass media
  26. They commit the feats, asking no reward
  28. Divide et impera, this law is older than world –
  29. Every segment of consumerism has its idols.
  30. No matter if you’re “guardian of a nation” or a hardcore junkie –
  31. There’s only one puppet master, everything goes in one mouth, in one wallet.
  32. The opium of mass media dictates you whom to be proud of,
  33. Who deserves the respect – come on, memorize their faces!
  34. Got insomnia again? Reach for the remote control,
  35. Feed the addiction in your brain, join the cult!
  36. Blind worship, a whole generation standing on knees,
  37. Heroes are only on the TV screen, you’ll forever remain in their shadow,
  38. Tycoons’ children, thieves, pimps, cops –
  39. They’ll get mountains of gold, you’ll get only a bullet in your head
  40. Stories about drugs, guns, nightclubs,
  41. Money and success built on blood.
  42. These “colossal spirits” teach you to kill for fun,
  43. To solve the moral questions as easy as cracking nuts
  45. Heroes do exist in this world, they’re here near us
  46. But your sight passes by them, dimmed by propaganda.
  47. Behind the mess of decay, through the hell smoke of mass media
  48. They commit the feats, asking no reward
  50. The luxury-satiated bitches are going crazy with boredom,
  51. But this track is for those who never lay down their hands,
  52. Who does not give up despite the verdict of doctors,
  53. Who reached the fatal line but is going for his dream ’til the end;
  54. For single mothers who raise their children
  55. Despite the poverty, problems and government lies.
  56. Life is getting more and more filthy, injustice burns our eyelids,
  57. But the strong conviction and perseverance can even stop the rivers to flow.
  58. It’s for those who didn’t forgot the heritage of our fathers,
  59. Who didn’t chose the easy but curvy road of scoundrels
  60. Who didn’t betray his calling and his oath to live for people,
  61. It’s for firefighters, rescue workers, medics, teachers –
  62. For those who spend the day in work, and get up before dawn
  63. Who kill the health at three jobs to raise a family,
  64. Who forget their life for the sake of duty…
  65. It’s hard to save yourself, but too easy to lose!
  67. Heroes do exist in this world, they’re here near us
  68. But your sight passes by them, dimmed by propaganda.
  69. Behind the mess of decay, through the hell smoke of mass media
  70. They commit the feats, asking no reward